About our first fastmail.com customer

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Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO

Since we rolled out our new fastmail.com domain last week, we’ve had 10,000’s of users use the domain to rename, signup and create aliases.

We decided to have a quick look through our logs and find the first customer to use fastmail.com and ask them a few questions about themselves and FastMail. Thanks for taking some time out to answer questions for us Joe D!

What country & city do you live in?

Newcastle, Australia

What do you do for a living?

I’m a software developer at a services company for the mining and energy industries in Australia.

How long have you used FastMail?

I signed up to FastMail when I was in high school, back in 2002. I’ve been pretty happy since then. My home address changes more often than my email address.

How did you find out about FastMail?

It was so long ago, I honestly don’t remember!

Why do you use FastMail?

I love FastMail for the power-user features. I like being able to set up Personalities to send from different email addresses, and being able to control every aspect of my email filtering through Sieve scripts. Plus I seem to get way less spam than at addresses I’ve tried at other providers.

What domain was your previous FastMail address at?

I have a few addresses on the mailbolt.com domain, which I’ll continue to use for certain things like store memberships, news subscriptions, banking and bills. I also have a “junk” address on this domain, since every website and his dog requires you to sign up and provide an email address these days.

Why did you want a fastmail.com address?

It’s nice and simple. It looks great written, and I can tell it to someone over the phone without having to repeat bits of it.

Were you actively waiting for the opening up of fastmail.com on the day?

I’m a little embarrassed to admit I had some help on this one. I had a program monitoring the FastMail website for the exact moment fastmail.com became available, so that I could register my address straight away. Is this taking email too seriously?

Do you plan to use your new @fastmail.com address as your primary address? Have you told people about it yet?

It’ll be my new personal address to give out to people online and in person. I’ve only told a few people so far, but it will get more and more use over time.

We’ve sent Joe a T-Shirt from our RedBubble store for his time.

Of course there’s always going to be a rush for the most popular names, so we hope everyone managed to get the fastmail.com address they wanted. If not, remember you can also signup your own domain (personally, we use gandi.net) and use that for receiving email (Enhanced or higher personal accounts, or any Family/Business accounts required).

Thanks for reading

The FastMail Team

Profile picture for Rob Mueller

Founder & CTO