Protecting Your Data and Digital Memory

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Fastmail allows you to reclaim your email: past, present, and future. Email is your electronic history, and that data deserves to be private, protected, and easily accessible.

For over 20 years, Fastmail folders have become libraries of our customers’ most important data. Email is often the hub for business correspondence, personal messaging, invitations, online shopping receipts, and so much more. With absolutely no ads or tracking, your private information stays safe in your inbox. Our Values are clear – your data belongs to you, and we promise to be good stewards of your data.

Over time, your mailbox becomes an extension of your memory – a trusted repository of history. As your email follows you through your life and grows, Fastmail provides Basic, Standard, and Professional plans with increasing amounts of storage capacity and an expanding menu of productivity features as your email needs become more advanced.

Our features make it easy

Fastmail values your email history, even if it began with another provider. That’s why we have made it incredibly easy to import mail into your new Fastmail account. Simply go to the Settings → Import & Setup screen and select your old email provider. After transferring your data, which takes less than 2 minutes for a 1GB account, you can set up fetching and sending to receive messages from that address in your new Fastmail inbox.

The data you bring with you to Fastmail is just as important as the new mail you receive with Fastmail. We have great features like:

  • Folders, Labels, Calendars, and Contacts allow for a seamless transition
  • Custom swipes give you the ability to move mail to designated locations quickly
  • VIPs and pins help you prioritize messages and people
  • and so many more, check out the productivity tips section of our blog

Fastmail has many features that organize and customize your email library. Email is meant to be personal, and Fastmail allows you to design your inbox to support your unique email goals.

Your Fastmail inbox serves as a reliable record of your email history. The Fastmail search bar helps you reclaim your time and plan for the future as you peer through your past. Our Advanced Search capabilities allow you to quickly and easily comb through your inbox to find any information you need to reference. Filter your searches by date, folder, sender, or recipient; it’s even possible to search for specific attachments and phrases within attachments. You can save your searches, combine them, and create rules to find the information you are looking for routinely.

Get started today

At Fastmail, we promise to keep your email confidential and easy to access. Email is your electronic memory, and we take that very seriously. Your files, photos, events, messages, and all other types of data are protected and preserved.

Reclaim your email with Fastmail - and your email history will be organized, easy to search through, and never forgotten or left behind.

Join now free for 30 days, and make email yours!

Profile picture for The Fastmail Team