Recent interviews on and

I was recently interviewed by two separate sites. Since these interviews cover some of the history of FastMail, the purchase by Opera and re-sale back to the staff, and our recent acquisition of, I thought it might be interesting to some of our users.

Why You Should Charge from Day One

After 15 Years, FastMail Finally Acquires Their .Com – With Rob Mueller

Older post About our first customer
Newer post Dec 5: Security - Integrity
Smart scheduling for your Fastmail calendar

Productivity is highly personal. Start using Morgen Assist and Fastmail together in under 5 minutes and begin smart scheduling in your calendar.

New Family Plans and Pricing
09 Apr 2024 Company

Today we are introducing new plans and pricing for new Fastmail customers, offering prices in many global currencies and launching some great deals to get your whole family on Fastmail.

Why Gmail Users Are Switching to Fastmail

Looking for a way to upgrade your inbox? Fastmail’s productivity features help you simplify your workflow and save time.