FastMail.FM Privacy Policy and TOS Updates

We sent out an email today to all FastMail.FM users letting them know that we’ve updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to “comply with legal requirements”. Some people have asked for a summary of what the main changes were.

  1. The company that runs the FastMail.FM email service was
    restructured, so the responsible company entity names were updated
  2. The disclosure of information was brought up to date with current
    Australian privacy legislation and spam reporting policies
  3. Some dates and links were corrected

As usual there’s a legal disclaimer with this, if you are particularly concerned about anything, we recommend you read the TOS and privacy policy in full, as this list shouldn’t be considered exhaustive.

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Smart scheduling for your Fastmail calendar

Productivity is highly personal. Start using Morgen Assist and Fastmail together in under 5 minutes and begin smart scheduling in your calendar.

New Family Plans and Pricing
09 Apr 2024 Company

Today we are introducing new plans and pricing for new Fastmail customers, offering prices in many global currencies and launching some great deals to get your whole family on Fastmail.