
Fast, private email that's just for you.

Try for free

With Fastmail, your email only belongs to you

Dan Stowell

I use Fastmail because it’s super fast and cares deeply about privacy and doing the right thing.

Dan Stowell Head of Engineering at Canopy
Vicky Brasseur

Fastmail rocks! It’s secure, private, independent, and has a Gmail transfer tool. You won’t regret this move.

Vicky Brasseur Open source expert and author
Vicky Brasseur

Fastmail rocks! It’s secure, private, independent, and has a Gmail transfer tool. You won’t regret this move.

Vicky Brasseur Open source expert and author
Dan Stowell

I use Fastmail because it’s super fast and cares deeply about privacy and doing the right thing.

Dan Stowell Head of Engineering at Canopy
Vicky Brasseur

Fastmail rocks! It’s secure, private, independent, and has a Gmail transfer tool. You won’t regret this move.

Vicky Brasseur Open source expert and author
Vicky Brasseur

Fastmail rocks! It’s secure, private, independent, and has a Gmail transfer tool. You won’t regret this move.

Vicky Brasseur Open source expert and author

your Privacy

The providers of free email know too much about you, making you the product they sell to others. Without you even knowing it.

Our innovative features protect you from spammers, data leaks, and all your actions being tracked with:


Masked email with 1Password


Email aliases


Custom domain

your Time

Do more with an intuitive and fun interface.

Time-Saving Tools

closed letter

Integration and Personalizations

Personalized domains. All your addresses in one inbox. Fast migration from your old email.


Scheduled Sends

Choose when your messages will be delivered to recipients. Click the dropdown menu next to Send when composing a new message to select the time that you would like your message to be sent.


Folders and Labels

Use folders and labels to keep your inbox tidy and categorize your messages without even having to open them. You can import labels from Gmail, use rules to automate them, or apply them manually.



Masked email allows you to create and manage unique email addresses on the fly while signing up for services online. Discover the benefits of 1Password

Reclaim your

See how we compare.

We're the private gmail, We're the user-friendly proton mail. We're the hey that doesn't make you relearn how to email. We're the ad-free outlook. We're the independent option to all the rest.

Speedy Support
Your questions always get answered. Quickly.
Start now
-in just three steps
Sign up.
Download app.

It takes less than 10 minutes, with all your logins, old emails, contacts and calendars intact.

one blue

Use 1Password?

Change email addresses quickly with the Masked Email generator. Or connect your current domains for more customized email addresses.