5 Tips and Tricks

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Profile picture for Nicola Nye


I’ve chosen to highlight the following features in today’s blog post because they come up on Twitter or in support requests semi-regularly, or just because we use them every day and we want to share the love.

Did you know there’s more to the search box than just finding a single message?

Perhaps you are interested in finding all emails sent in the last month, or the last week? Create time-based searches by clicking on Search/Advanced Search and in the Date dropdown, select ‘last 7 days’ or ‘last 30 days’.

If there are particular searches you’re doing repeatedly, you can save the search with a name and it will be always available to you as a special search folder in your folder list.

A time-based saved search doesn’t just return the same set of messages: it is dynamic and will always stay current, showing you the last week or month worth of email. (Not the last week worth of email from the day you made the search).

This is only the tip of the iceberg: there is so much more you can do with searching, all outlined in our help.

2. Easy 2FA password entry

If you are using the additional security of two-factor authentication, you don’t need to use the ‘more’ link to access the extra field at login.

You can just append your one time key to your base password when logging in.

This works anywhere you need to enter your password to access your data from FastMail: our web interface, all mobile applications, even third party applications accessing your mail, calendar or address book data.

3. Preview Attachments

Want a peek at the attachments you’ve been sent in the web interface without having to download them first? You can simply click on the icon of the attachment.

Images will get an instant preview, while other file types are handled by your browser.

4. Handy keyboard shortcuts

Check the help for our full list of keyboard shortcuts. They are plentiful, varied and more useful than sliced bread.


  • Z will undo the last thing you did, if possible. You can continue to press Z to undo the last few changes. It can’t retract that email you sent to the wrong person (yet…), but it can undo pretty much everything else.


Quick navigation shortcuts:

  • G in Calendar: go to date. You can type a date in pretty much any format then hit enter to quickly jump the calendar to that date. Use T in the calendar to quickly jump to today.
  • G in Mail: go to folder. A filter bar will appear where you can type the beginning of the name of the folder you want, then hit enter to open it.
  • Shift+G then M Go to Mail
  • Shift+G then A Go to Address Book
  • Shift+G then C Go to Calendar
  • Shift+G then N Go to Notes
  • Shift+G then F Go to Files


Finished reading the current message? Use:

  • J to read the next message
  • K to read the previous message
  • U to show the mail list for the current folder
  • Use / to search. This works in mail, address book and notes.

5. Stay in touch!

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Need some help? Contact our amazing support team.

Profile picture for Nicola Nye
