A Dark Theme for FastMail

As we pass the winter solstice here in Australia, the darkest night has come and the days are finally getting longer. But for those that miss the murky blackness (and for all our northern hemisphere customers journeying towards winter), you can now choose a Dark theme for your FastMail account and relive the inky twilight.

Want to try it out? Change your theme on the Settings → General & Preferences screen.

Here’s what mail in the Dark theme looks like…

Mailbox in dark theme

(Please note that rich text (HTML) messages get a white background, as unfortunately too many messages set font colours presuming a light background).

And our Dark calendar…

Calendar in dark theme

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Smart scheduling for your Fastmail calendar

Productivity is highly personal. Start using Morgen Assist and Fastmail together in under 5 minutes and begin smart scheduling in your calendar.

New Family Plans and Pricing
09 Apr 2024 Company

Today we are introducing new plans and pricing for new Fastmail customers, offering prices in many global currencies and launching some great deals to get your whole family on Fastmail.

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Looking for a way to upgrade your inbox? Fastmail’s productivity features help you simplify your workflow and save time.