Fastmail's Interface Can Go Dark Everywhere

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Fastmail brings dark mode to email, calendars, and contacts, delighting users who have been awaiting its release.

Dark mode, a hotly anticipated theme that reduces the light from your screen, expands to all corners of Fastmail.

It swaps traditional light and dark color use on devices so that surfaces are dim, and the text is bright. For some users, this a preferred way of working. Now it’s easy to get on all Fastmail apps.

Dark mode follows the settings on your mobile device

You don’t have to do anything to get dark mode in Fastmail if your device is already set on dark. Just open your app, and you’re all set!

If you don’t already use dark mode on your devices, you can switch to it in your iPhone settings under Display & Brightness. On Android, you’ll find it in your display settings.

Even more dark on desktop

You’ll get better blackout coverage on desktop when using the Fastmail dark theme. The theme was previously available, but it’s been rewritten to further reduce white backgrounds in your email content.

Turn it on in your Settings → Preferences. Once you’re all set up, you can experience the benefits.

Highlights the content of your emails

Fastmail is where you go to read emails, and dark mode puts the words you’re looking for front and center.

Dark theme brings forwards text, a possible time-saver for quick-moving readers who prefer this reversal of light and dark.

Saves energy, for you and your phone

If you spend a lot of time on email, some people find that a dark background creates a more enjoyable viewing experience.

If this theme reads more clearly to you, and the dark background creates a sense of calm, you’ll likely get more done. Your mobile device may join you. On many devices, dark mode helps you to save power, so your charge lasts longer.

You read email how you want

Email features should always be about giving you options and control. Fastmail gives you the power to use themes that work best for you.

If you’ve been waiting eagerly for dark mode, thank you for your enthusiasm! Listening to our customers helps us bring the most desired email features to Fastmail. Follow us on Twitter to find out when new features are available for testing.

Try dark mode and see how you like it. Download the Fastmail app for your phone and tablet on Apple App Store and Google Play.

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