Dec 3: Push it real good
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This blog post is part of the FastMail 2014 Advent Calendar.
The previous post on December 2nd was an intro to our approach to security. The next post on December 4th is about our IMAP server hardware.
Technical level: lots
Bron (one of our team, you’ve heard of him) does this great demo when he shows FastMail to other people. He opens his inbox up on the screen, and gets someone to send him an email. A nice animation slides the new message into view on the screen. At the same time, his phone plays a sound. He uses his watch to delete the email, and it disappears from the screen too. It’s a huge “wow” moment, made possible by our push notification system. Today we’ll talk about exactly how we let you know when something interesting happens in your mailbox.
Cyrus has two mechanisms for telling the world that something has changed, idled and mboxevent. idled is the simpler of the two. When your mail client issues an IDLE command, it is saying “put me to sleep and tell me when something changes”. idled is the server component that manages this, holding the connection open and sending a response when something changes. An example protocol exchange looks like something like this (taken from RFC 2177, the relevant protocol spec):
S: * FLAGS (Deleted Seen)
S: A001 OK SELECT completed
C: A002 IDLE
S: + idling
...time passes; new mail arrives...
S: A002 OK IDLE terminated
It’s a fairly simple mechanism, only designed for use with IMAP. We’ll say no more about it.
Of far more interest is Cyrus’ “mboxevent” mechanism, which is based in part on RFC 5423. Cyrus can be configured to send events to another program any time something changes in a mailbox. The event contains details about the type of action that occurred, identifying information about the message and other useful information. Cyrus generates events for pretty much everything - every user action, data change, and other interesting things like calendar alarms. For example, here’s a delivery event for a system notification message I received a few minutes ago:
"event" : "MessageNew",
"messages" : 1068,
"modseq" : 1777287,
"pid" : 2087223,
"serverFQDN" : "sloti30t01",
"service" : "lmtp",
"uidnext" : 40818,
"uri" : "imap://;UIDVALIDITY=1335827579/;UID=40817",
"vnd.cmu.envelope" : "(\"Wed, 03 Dec 2014 08:49:40 +1100\" \"Re: Blog day 3: Push it real good\" ((\"Robert Norris\" NIL \"robn\" \"\")) ((\"Robert Norris\" NIL \"robn\" \"\")) ((\"Robert Norris\" NIL \"robn\" \"\")) ((NIL NIL \"staff\" \"\")) NIL NIL \"<>\" \"<>\")",
"vnd.cmu.mailboxACL" : "\tlrswipkxtecdn\tadmin\tlrswipkxtecdan\tanyone\tp\t",
"vnd.cmu.mbtype" : "",
"vnd.cmu.unseenMessages" : 90,
"vnd.fastmail.cid" : "b9384d25e93fc71c",
"vnd.fastmail.convExists" : 413,
"vnd.fastmail.convUnseen" : 82,
"vnd.fastmail.counters" : "0 1777287 1777287 1761500 1758760 1416223082",
"vnd.fastmail.sessionId" : "sloti30t01-2087223-1417556981-1"
The event contains all sorts of information: the action that happened, the message involved, how many messages I have, the count of unread messages and conversations, the folder involved, stuff about the message headers, and more. This information isn’t particularly useful in its raw form, but we can use it to do all kinds of interesting things.
We have a pair of programs that do various processing on the events that Cyrus produce. They are called “pusher” and “notifyd”, and run on every server where Cyrus runs. Their names don’t quite convey their purpose as they’ve grown up over time into their current forms.
pusher is the program that receives all events coming from Cyrus. It actions many events itself, but only the ones it can handle “fast”. All other events are handed off to notifyd, which handles the “slow” events. The line between the two is a little fuzzy, but the rule of thumb is that if an event needs to access the central database or send mail, it’s “slow” and should be handled by notifyd. Sending stuff to open connections or making simple HTTP calls are “fast”, and are handled in pusher. I’ve got scare quotes around “slow” and “fast” because the slow events aren’t actually slow. It’s more about how well each program responds when flooded with events (for programmers: pusher is non-blocking, notifyd can block).
We’ll talk about notifyd first, because it’s the simpler of the two. The two main styles of events it handles are calendar email notifications and Sieve (filter/rule) notifications.
Calendar email notifications are what you get when you say, for example, “10 minutes before this event, send me an email”. All the information that is needed to generate an email is placed into the event that comes from Cyrus, including the name of the event, the start and end time, the attendees, location, and so on. notifyd constructs an email and sends it to the recipient. It does database work to look up the recipient’s language settings to try and localise the email it sends. Here we see database and email work, and so it goes on the slow path.
The Sieve filter system we use has a notification mechanism (also see RFC 5435) where you can write rules that cause new emails or SMS messages to be sent. notifyd handles these too, taking the appropriate action on the email (summarise, squeeze) and then sending an email or posting to a SMS provider. For SMS, it needs to fetch the recipient’s number and SMS credit from the database so again, it’s on the slow path.
On to pusher, which is where the really interesting stuff happens. The two main outputs it has are the EventSource facility used by the web client, and the device push support used by the Android and iOS apps.
EventSource is a facility available in most modern web browsers that allow it to create a long-lived connection to a server and receive a constant stream of events. The events we send are very simple. For the above event, pusher would send the following to all web sessions I currently have open:
event: push
id: 1760138
data: {"mailModSeq":1777287,"calendarModSeq":1761500,"contactsModSeq":1758760}
These are the various “modseq” (modification sequence, see also RFC 7162) numbers for mail, calendar and contacts portions of my mail store. The basic idea behind a modseq is that every time something changes, the modseq number goes up. If the client sees the number change, it knows that it needs to request an update from the server. By sending the old modseq number in this request, it receives only the changes that have happened since then, making this a very efficient operation.
If you’re interested, we’ve written about our how we use EventSource in a lot more detail in this blog post from a couple of years ago. Some of the details have changed since then, but the ideas are still the same.
The other thing that pusher handles is pushing updates to the mobile apps. The basic idea is the same. When you log in to one of the apps, they obtain a device token from the device’s push service (Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) for iOS or Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android), and then make a special call to our servers to register that token with pusher. When the inbox changes in some way, a push event is created and sent along with the device token to the push service (Apple’s or Google’s, depending on the token type).
On iOS, a new message event must contain the actual text that is displayed in the notification panel, so pusher extracts that information from the “vnd.cmu.envelope” parameter in the event it received from Cyrus. It also includes an unread count, which is used to update the red “badge” on the app icon, and a URL which is passed to the app when the notification is tapped. An example APNS push event might look like:
"aps" : {
"alert" : "Robert Norris\nHoliday pics",
"badge" : 82,
"sound" : "default"
"url" : "?u=12345678#/mail/Inbox/eb26398990c4b29b-f45463209u40683
For other inbox changes, like deleting a message, we send a much simpler event to update the badge:
"aps" : {
"badge" : 81
The Android push operates a little differently. On Android it’s possible to have a service running in the background. So instead of sending message details in the push, we only send the user ID.
"data" : {
"uparam" : "12345678"
(The Android app actually only uses the user ID to avoid a particular bug, but it will be useful in the future when we support multiple accounts).
On receiving this, the background service makes a server call to get any new messages since the last time it checked. It’s not unlike what the web client does, but simpler. If it finds new messages, it constructs a system notification and displays it in the notification panel. If it sees a message has been deleted and it currently has it visible in the notification, it removes it. It also adds a couple of buttons (archive and delete) which result in server actions being taken.
So that’s all the individual moving parts. If you put them all together, then you get some really impressive results. When Bron uses the “delete” notification action on his watch (an extension of the phone notification system), it causes the app to send a delete instruction the the server. Cyrus deletes the message and sends a “MessageDelete” event to pusher. pusher sends a modseq update via EventSource to the web clients which respond by requesting an update from the server, noting the message is deleted and removing it from the message list. pusher also notices this is an inbox-related change, so sends a new push to any registered Android devices and, because it’s not a “MessageNew” event, sends a badge update to registered iOS devices.
One of the things I find most interesting about all of this is that in a lot of ways it wasn’t actually planned, but has evolved over time. notifyd is over ten years old and existed just to support Sieve notifications. Then pusher came along when we started the current web client and it needed live updates. Calendar notifications came later and most recently, device push. It’s really nice having an easy, obvious place to work with mailbox events. I fully expect that we’ll extend these tools further in the future to support new kinds of realtime updates and notifications.