How to Get a Custom, Privacy-Friendly Email Address in 2021

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Start something new this year with a custom email address at your domain and better data privacy.

A new year is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s now that we tell ourselves: “2021 is going to be different. It’s going to be the year I read more, learn a new language, and finally organize my garage.” Sound familiar? Resolutions are a great way to start something new or set goals, but they can be difficult to keep.

The best way to set a New Year’s resolution and achieve it is to make a small, actionable goal with a clear path forward. Now, this is something you can make happen. If you resolve to start a new project, get organized, or improve your digital privacy, Fastmail is on your side so that you succeed.

What’s your digital New Year’s resolution?

People are spending more time online than ever before. So, it makes sense that you might be making resolutions centered around being mindful about how you use the internet.

These resolutions range from being more privacy-conscious, using more independent services, and being more clear and intentional about who you are online. A good place to start is to get a custom domain and use a privacy-first email provider.

Owning a domain lets you email from a custom email address that you can have for life. A custom email address is a great way to build your personal brand, start a new project, or launch your business with an email that matches your website.

Using a privacy-first email service, like Fastmail, puts you in control of your personal information. Our privacy practices make sure your email contents are seen only by you and kept away from self-serving companies.

Being more thoughtful about how you use email goes hand in hand with maintaining your resolutions and supporting your fresh start.

Why should you buy your domain?

There are many reasons to own your name as a domain name. A domain is a unique name that appears after the @ in email addresses. Owning a custom domain helps you retain your individuality by sending and receiving email using the address you want, such as you@yourdomain. Making this purchase puts you in control of your online identity.

You can choose an email domain that matches your name, business, or hobby. If you own a domain already and use it for a website, you can set up a corresponding email address with your Fastmail account. Additionally, should you ever switch your email provider, you can take your domain with you. By buying your domain name, you get an email address for life!

How do you purchase a domain?

Buying a domain is an easy process. Domains are typically affordable, depending on the name you want, and you pay for every year.

Don’t know where to start? We like the domain enthusiasts at iwantmyname, a domain name registrar. Fastmail provides guides to purchasing your domain name through providers like iwantmyname.

Is it worth it to buy a domain name?

When it comes to self-branding, owning a domain is a step towards establishing a more professional presence online. If you make your domain into a simple website that includes your bio and work samples, you can get an email address with Fastmail that matches that site, such as me@myportfolio.

With Fastmail, you can use more than one domain at no extra charge! You can have multiple domains in one account, letting you email from you@yourname, you@yourcompany, and anything else you want. You can have over 100 domains on your account!

Get started on reaching your resolutions today

We’re here to support you so that you accomplish your 2021 goals. A new email account gives you a fresh start. It can be the first step to hitting personal and professional goals like starting a business, getting organized, or setting up privacy-friendly email accounts for your whole family.

New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be so hard. They can be small steps that equal big wins!

Now that the world is becoming increasingly digital, it’s more important than ever to protect your online privacy. Using a privacy-first email provider is a major step forward, yet it’s not an overwhelming thing to do.

You can start today. It’s easy to migrate to Fastmail.

Are you…

Looking for a fresh start?
Open a new account and start emailing. You get 30-days free with our free trial.

An email archivist?
Years of emails will fly into Fastmail using our importer tool.

Someone who uses calendars?
You can also bring your digital calendars with you using our calendar import tool.

Ready, but not sure where to begin?
Our new user guide is a great place to start! Should you encounter any difficulties, our friendly support team is more than happy to assist.

Start the new year off the right way with a custom, privacy-friendly email address. Get started today with a new account. If you’re already using Fastmail, bring in your custom domain with the walkthrough found at Settings → Domains.

Fastmail wishes you a happy and healthy 2021!

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