Meet Our Team: Tom, Mobile Developer

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Meet Tom, a Fastmail Mobile Developer based in Australia, who makes it possible for you to use Fastmail on all of your devices.

Fastmail’s front-end developers improve our customers’ interactive experiences. Find out what their day-to-day job looks like when you meet Tom, a member of Fastmail’s email client development team.

Name: Tom Wijgers Role: Mobile Developer

What do you work on? I am a mobile app developer. I work on Fastmail’s Android and iOS apps most of the time, but I also dip my toes a little into the website and backend systems.

How long have you been working at Fastmail? How did you get involved? I’ve been with Fastmail for a little over two years. I was fortunate to hear about Fastmail after leaving a job that had a bad company culture—my experience there made me selective while looking for my next job. My interview with Fastmail gave me high hopes and working here has affirmed how great the team is to collaborate with.

What’s a project that you’ve worked on that you’re proud of? My favorite project I’ve worked on this year was adding Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) support to our apps. It feels good to provide users with increased security.

What other company inspires you? Nintendo inspires me. They don’t focus on being the biggest or the fastest. They concentrate on what they do well, and in doing so, they make a product that their customers love.

What’s your favorite Fastmail feature? My favorite feature is being able to create multi-user accounts—originally not being able to get notifications for both my work and personal emails was a real barrier to using the app. Now when I use the Fastmail app, I get notifications for everything and have quick shortcuts to each mailbox.

What’s your favorite piece of technology? Books are a great way to get away from the real world (as well as the not-so-real world of social media), and with my Kindle, I always have one at hand.

What are you watching these days? I haven’t watched much TV for a while, but my daughter has taken to Wii Sports lately, and it’s just as fun as it always was. Her excitement when she gets a strike is infectious.

What do you like to do outside of work? I love spending time with my family. Lately, we’ve been going on bike rides, although the weather is getting a little cold for that now. I also enjoy getting out into the veggie garden.

What’s your favorite animal? I’m not sure I could choose a favorite type of animal. They’re all so varied and most have something cool about them. So, instead, I’ll go with an individual. My friend has a rainbow lorikeet that we often babysit. He’s a cute little critter, even if he does make a huge mess if you let him.

Any Fastmail staffers you want to brag on? Everyone is great, but I’ll give a shout-out to Sez. Not only have they been a great addition to the support team, but they also keep everyone connected and let everyone know how much they’re valued.

What are you proudest of about your work? I love being able to solve an issue that a customer is experiencing. Being able to make someone’s life even just a little bit better feels excellent.

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Profile picture for Helen Horstmann-Allen
