Meet Our Team: Phoenix, Support Agent

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Meet Phoenix, a Fastmail support agent, who helps customers get the most from their email experience.

Fastmail’s support team works together every day. Find out how they help each other, when you meet Phoenix, a member of Fastmail’s support team.

Name: Phoenix Robertson Role: Support Agent

What do you work on? I work on the support team. So, I answer questions from customers! I also get to work on communications and help pages, and that’s a lot of fun.

How long have you been with Fastmail? How did you get involved? I came to Fastmail in September 2019.

I wanted to move to Philadelphia, and I saw there was a job opening on the support team at Fastmail. I thought this looked like a fun place to work, and I was right!

What’s a project that you’ve worked on that you’re proud of? My favorite project I’ve worked on is the Pobox log searching tutorial. The ways we search logs in Pobox are pretty different from Fastmail, so I spent an afternoon punching commands into terminal. When I got the answers I wanted, I wrote it down. Now all my colleagues use it, and lots of times, they still take the time to say thanks. Every time I hear that, I grow another feather on my phoenix wings.

What other projects inspire you? Especially since COVID started, there have been lots of new mutual aid organizations here in Philly. They have an ethic that’s inspiring to me.

What’s your favorite Fastmail feature? I think our rules are the best rules of any email service ever. I dig snooze and our labels. I’m also really feeling the sidebar!

What’s your favorite piece tool? I have quad skates, which I can only use at basketball courts these days. But I have this wrench for my roller skates—you can use it to take off the wheels, extend the toe stop, and take off the bearings. That’s my favorite tool because it brings me the most joy. Sometimes, your favorite things brings you the most happiness, and don’t necessarily get the most use.

What are you watching/listening to these days? I just finished watching The Great on Hulu. It was funny, interesting, not at all accurate, and a grand old time. It’s like someone read a book jacket on Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, thought it was a great story, and then just made up all the details.

I’m always listening to the Mountain Goats, so that goes without saying.

What do you like to do outside of work? I like to roller skate. I like to read. I like lifting weights. Prior to pandemic times, I was into tabletop roleplaying games.

What’s your favorite animal? Phoenixes.

Do you do any volunteer work? I’m a letter responder with Prisoner Health News, which provides health information to incarcerated folks. I got involved because of friends who were involved, when I told them I wanted to find a way to volunteer without leaving home. It’s a great way to be a contributing member of society while still minimizing COVID-19 risk.

Any Fastmail staffers you want to brag on? The whole support team! We’re just so cool, and funny, and smart and nice! Also the developers, and the marketing team—everybody is great!

What do you like the best about your work at Fastmail? I am passionate about figuring people out from the snippets of themselves that they reveal to us, and then choosing the words that will help them feel the most comfortable and confident about solving their problems. It’s a social smarts challenge that I find engaging and meaningful.

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Profile picture for Helen Horstmann-Allen
