Sponsoring Write the Docs Australia

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Profile picture for Nicola Nye


We’re proud sponsors of the Write the Docs Australia conference coming to Melbourne on November 15 and 16, 2018.

Part of our commitment to excellence is our knowledge sharing. With over 19 years of experience in the industry, our blog posts and help pages continue to be a source of information to the world. (Our help page on the difference between SSL vs TLS vs STARTTLS is still the most visited page on our site, years after it was first published!).

What better way to share knowledge than through documentation? This way users feel empowered to solve their own issues, while potential customers can clearly see what we have to offer. Our documentation on Cyrus (ever a work in progress) helps administrators run and configure the mail server, while open source contributors can make the most of the time they put into reporting or fixing bugs.

Write the Docs is a vibrant community made up of technical writers, developers, testers, business analysts, product managers and humans from all walks of life who are interested in improving documentation.

Last year, we attended the single day event, where we:

  • Ran a Cyrus documentation sprint looking at the information architecture of the help pages.
  • Spoke about the development of a couple of custom Sphinx extensions the Cyrus project uses, that let us monitor and report on the age of a help page.

FastMail has chosen to sponsor this year’s conference because:

  • We passionately believe in the benefits of documentation!
  • We want to increase the skills in the Australian community. Better docs help us all.

Members of the FastMail team are giving talks this year:

  • Alexandra is giving a talk about “Making Yourself Redundant on Day One”
  • Nicola is giving a talk about “The Subtle Art of Interrogation”

View the full schedule on the website. If you’re in Melbourne, perhaps we’ll see you there?!

Profile picture for Nicola Nye
