5 Years of New Features With Fastmail

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For twenty years and counting, we have been committed to improving our users’ email experience. Even in just the last five years, our team has introduced remarkable features that put our users in control, like Scheduled Send, Masked Email, and Custom Themes.

VIP Contacts

At Fastmail, we love creating features that empower you to be productive in the way that works for you. To help serve this goal, we released VIP Contacts in 2019.

VIP Contacts give you the ability to focus more attention on the contacts you want to hear from most. It’s easy to miss an important email in your inbox, but when you designate a contact as a VIP, we highlight their messages with a star to make them easier to see at a glance.

Notifications take the VIP experience a step further. You can choose to suppress most new message notifications, while still getting immediately notified about emails from your VIPs.

VIP Contacts

Undo Send

We’ve all been there—the heart-sinking realization that you’ve just sent an email prematurely with a glaring typo or forgotten to include an important attachment. You can bid farewell to those cringe-worthy moments with Undo Send.

The beauty of Undo Send lies in its immediacy. You don’t have to endure hours or days of regret after sending an ill-fated email—all you’ll have to do is click that “Undo Send” button in 15 seconds or less, and your mistaken email won’t be sent to its intended recipient.

We understand that email is more than just a medium for communication; it reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. Undo Send gives you the ability to make sure that every email you send is as error-free and polished as you intended.


Fastmail’s Snooze feature lets you store away an email, to pop back at the top of your inbox when you choose.

Emails arrive when they are sent, but that’s not always when you need to see them! Your inbox may be inundated with messages, ranging from work-related tasks, to personal letters, and everything in between.

Amid this digital deluge, it’s easy for important but not urgent emails to get lost in the shuffle. Instead of letting them linger in your inbox and clutter your workspace, you can temporarily set them aside with the assurance that they will reappear when you are ready. Snooze until an exact future time, or pick from standard options such as Later today, Tomorrow, or Next week.

Unlike many client-side solutions, our Snooze happens on the server, which is much more reliable. The message always comes back at your nominated time, even when the device where you snoozed the message is offline.  And in the meantime, if you need the message faster, just check your “Snoozed” folder, and it will be there to be referenced, or even manually unsnoozed.

Dark Mode

In a world where screens dominate our lives, it’s no surprise that developers keep trying to make things easier to look at. We understand the importance of customization, and that’s why we offer a sleek and sophisticated Dark Mode option.

For many customers, Dark Mode is more than just a preference; it’s a way of life. The allure of Dark Mode extends beyond aesthetics, with a host of concrete benefits, including reduced eye strain, enhanced focus, and better battery life.

Switching to Dark Mode with us is effortless. You can set it to follow your device’s system-wide Dark Mode settings or manually enable it with a simple toggle at Settings → Display options. This keeps Fastmail feeling like a natural part of everything else you do, whatever the lighting.

Fastmail's Dark mode

Custom Themes

In modern forms of digital communication, our email accounts have evolved into more than just archives of messages – they are reflections of our personalities and identities. We understand the significance of individuality and expression, so we created Custom Themes.

Custom Themes present our customers with a selection of themes that cater to a broad spectrum of tastes. Whether you lean towards a minimalist look with clean lines and subtle colors or you’re drawn to vibrant and bold designs that make a statement, there’s a theme that’s just right for you.

Custom Themes is user-friendly. It has controls that make theme selection and customization a breeze. You don’t need to be a design expert to craft an email environment that’s visually appealing and uniquely yours.

Choice of folders or labels

Email organization is a cornerstone of productivity, and we know that one size does not fit all regarding email management. That’s why we provide you the ultimate flexibility to customize your email organization by choosing between two powerful tools: folders and labels.

Folders are the bedrock of traditional email organization. They offer a streamlined hierarchy that allows you to categorize your emails into specific containers, like physical folders in a filing cabinet. They’re great for their clear organization, quick navigation, and priority sorting, so you can move important messages to designated folders, ensuring that critical information is readily accessible at all times.

Labels, on the other hand, provide a more flexible and versatile approach to email organization with multiple tags, visual clarity, and search and filtering capabilities. You can apply multiple labels to a single message. This flexibility is especially useful for emails that span multiple projects or areas of your life. With the search and filter feature, you can quickly find emails by searching for specific labels, enabling you to retrieve information precisely.

Our email history is our electronic memory. But what good is an email if you can’t find it when you need it? That’s where our Enhanced Search puts you in the driver’s seat of your email management.

When you need to find something in your email right now, Enhanced Search makes it quick and easy. You can search by all kinds of thing, like the sender, the subject, the content, or even something in the attachments.

Email has evolved far beyond its original purpose of simple text-based communication. Nowadays, it’s not just about sending and receiving messages; it’s about managing information, staying organized, and making informed decisions. We recognize this shift and introduced a game-changing feature: the sidebar.

When you open an email, the sidebar displays relevant insights at a glance. No more scrolling through lengthy emails to find essential details; it’s all right there.

Scheduled Send

Email communication isn’t just about the words you write; it’s also about when those words reach their intended audience.

This is why we created Scheduled Send, which lets you schedule your messages to be delivered at a convenient time for your recipient.

Not all emails are meant to be sent immediately. Consider scenarios where your recipient is in a different time zone or when you want your message to be at the top of their inbox when they start their workday. Scheduled Send allows your message to be sent on your own terms.

Scheduling an email to send

Custom Swipes

Swiping has become a fundamental gesture in modern email apps, allowing users to interact with their messages swiftly. We now allow swipe actions that can be customized to your specific needs.

Custom Swipes adds a layer of convenience to your email management. With Custom Swipes, you’re in control, defining swipe actions according to your preferences.

Custom Swipes allow you to define actions that align with your email workflow. Whether you want to archive a message, mark it as read, move it to a specific folder, or perform other tasks with a swipe, we put the power of choice in your hands.

Game-changing partnerships

We have always been committed to enhancing email security. In 2021, we partnered with 1Password, a leading password management tool. By seamlessly integrating 1Password with our platform, users gain extra protection through Masked Email. We have also partnered with Bitwarden, a trusted password management solution, so that users can easily generate and manage Masked Email addresses, enhancing their privacy and security.

In 2022, we decided to begin partnering with productivity companies as well. The first privacy-first productivity company we partnered with is Morgen, a time management hub that works across your devices. You can connect your FastMail calendars along with productivity tools you use to Morgen to manage them all, along with your tasks, scheduling, and time blocking, in one beautiful app. Using Fastmail and Morgen together is a glimpse into the future of email management.

Experience Fastmail for yourself

We’re proud to keep building the best email service for you. This year, we celebrated 10 years as an independent company. You can read more, and plenty of interesting tidbits from our staff, over in the ongoing Advent post series on our Mastodon.

As a company, we are making email better for everyone with new features year after year. To truly grasp the benefits, there’s no better way than to experience our service firsthand. Sign up for Fastmail today, and join the growing community of satisfied Fastmail customers!

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