Meet Our Team: Sez, Customer Service and Technical Support Agent

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Profile picture for Helen Horstmann-Allen


Meet Sez, a Customer Service and Technical Support Agent based in Australia, who helps customers solve problems with kindness and compassion.

Fastmail’s support team troubleshoots and diagnoses technical issues on a daily basis to ensure that our customers have the best possible experience. Find out what their day-to-day job looks like when you meet Sez, a member of Fastmail’s technical support staff.

What are your favorite Fastmail features?

Rules! You know those annoying emails that offer to fix your website? Or improve your SEO with Google? I’ve made a rule to catch any emails with a variety of different titles and move them to spam. It’s SO damn satisfying to look in my spam folder and see them all caught there like fish in a net. Yeah, take THAT bad guys!

What are you watching these days?

Making shows. ALL the making shows!

I have only just started learning to cook in the last few years, so watching things like MasterChef and The Great Australian/British/Kiwi Bake Offs has really helped me get braver and more experimental in the kitchen. Baking Impossible is also a great show, where engineers and cake makers create edible things together.

And watching sewing shows like Project Runway and The Great British Sewing Bee has helped me learn more about constructing clothes. I also love Blown Away, because making in red hot glass looks amazing, and Big Flower Fight, because making things in plants.

And Rupaul’s Drag Race, all the seasons from all the countries. Because it’s amazing and glittery and gorgeous and a really interesting study in gender and gender presentation. And because sometimes they make stuff too.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m currently learning to roller skate. It’s so ace and fun, but I’m very wobbly. Most days you can find me in my driveway practicing. I also like to cook, and I love wandering around Melbourne and looking at street art. I’ve got a couple of street art sticker projects on the go which I’m loving too. I love contributing to the color and culture out in the streets!

I’m also very passionate about activism in (almost) all its forms, and I take a particular interest in creative activism. I love seeing how people creatively express support for the causes they believe in.

But mainly, I like to hang out with my excellent spouse and our two animals - Beatie, the cat, and Frankie, our Labrador/Rottweiler dog. They’re a sneaky double act, like Pinky and the Brain. Beatie will start trouble, and Frankie always gets caught up in the fun. It’s also mainly Frankie, the dog, who gets busted doing the doings, cause Beatie’ll do the very cat thing of dashing away the minute we enter the room to investigate leaving Frankie in the middle of the mess looking surprised she’s been busted (again!).

What do you like the best about your work at Fastmail?

There are two things I love best about my job. One is helping customers. I know it sounds cheesy, but I like being able to assist people who are trying to do something and don’t know how or people who have gotten stuck on an issue. That’s job satisfaction right there! We have a slack channel called #CustomerLove, and we add the nice things customers say to us about Fastmail in general or support specifically. It’s a lovely channel to check every day.

The other one is the people at Fastmail. Fastmail as a company is incredibly supportive of the humans who work here, and the people in the company are all amazing. They’re all kind, they’re all lovely, and they’re all happy to share knowledge and skills. When I had my first job interview with Andria, our Customer Experience Manager, the very, very first thing she said to me when she introduced herself (after ‘Hello’) was her pronouns. As a queer, non-binary person, who has usually not felt safe enough to be out in other workplaces, I knew I’d found my people.

I’ve always felt totally supported here and free to be the best version of me I can be. Not only do they accept who I am, they actively celebrate it! One of my many obsessions is the endangered flightless New Zealand parrot, the kakapo, and there are now 3! kakapo emojis in our Slack and even a kakapo poster in the office!

Any Fastmail staffers you want to brag on?

Oh, there are so many!

Nicola, our Chief of Staff. She’s a pleasure to work with, equal parts joyful unicorn and Fastmail encyclopedia. She is always on slack with helpful comments, to share knowledge, or just bringing joy and sparkle to the everyday.

Also Kate, the Australian developers’ manager. She’s recently arrived, and besides being super lovely and approachable, she’s also really into roller skating! We started a Skating channel in Slack, currently, it’s just me and her, but that’s fine. It’s like having a tiny, private Instagram with a super interested audience of one!

And Rob N., one of the developers. He’s always happy to sit down and give in-depth but accessible explanations for things I don’t understand.

And Andria, the Customer Experience Manager, she’s super easy to talk to; she cares about the people working for her and treats us like actual people who have lives and ups and downs outside of the office. Plus she’s got an ace dog, Mo, who can often be found on our zoom calls, tilting his head in the best fashion to questions like “Are you hungry?”

Also, everyone else. They’re all pretty awesome here!

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Profile picture for Helen Horstmann-Allen
