Blog / Recommended

How Ellane Uses Fastmail to Balance Business and Personal Email

Fastmail provides peace of mind by protecting your data and upgrading your email experience. Ellane supports her unique workflow using rules, folders, aliases, and more.

Smart scheduling for your Fastmail calendar

Productivity is highly personal. Start using Morgen Assist and Fastmail together in under 5 minutes and begin smart scheduling in your calendar.

Why Gmail Users Are Switching to Fastmail

Looking for a way to upgrade your inbox? Fastmail’s productivity features help you simplify your workflow and save time.

Migrate to Fastmail from Skiff

Fastmail is a secure, privacy-first email service that has been serving users since 1999. If you're considering migrating from Skiff, you're in the right place!

How one customer used Fastmail’s Open API

Fastmail’s open API makes creating new and exciting tools easy for email enthusiasts.

5 Years of New Features With Fastmail 

For twenty years and counting, we have been committed to improving our users’ email experience.

Streamline your mail by choosing actions

When mail is delivered to you, you can move it to a folder, send a copy to another address, or delete it.

Why Folders Are a Great Email Organization Tool

Fastmail Folders are the perfect organization tool for customers that love an empty inbox. Moving messages into customized folders is a quick way to keep your inbox tidy.

For Business and Personal Life: How Jon uses Fastmail 

Fastmail values your time and privacy without sacrificing productivity. Check out how Jon Henshaw, a Senior Director of Technical SEO, makes the most of his email thanks to filters and rules, Masked Email, superior spam blocking, and more.

The Fastmail Guide to Managing a Busy Inbox

Is your inbox overflowing? Fastmail organization and productivity features can help. Learn how to use tools like filters, folders, and custom swipes to reclaim your email.

Manage Your Email Addresses In One Place with Settings Update

We are thrilled to share our updated Settings with you. Now, you can find all your email addresses in one spot.

Meet Our Team: Andrew Davis, System Engineer

Meet Andrew Davis, a System Engineer, whose work creatively revamped the Fastmail storage system.